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Month: January 2020

What Counts as Lingerie, and What Doesn’t?

A quick search through the internet and several book sources would leave you a little more confused about the definition of Lingerie. Some sources define it as underwear. Others might include nightwear in their definition. The American Heritage Dictionary goes further to put all the definitions in a bracket and add the word “sexy” to it. So, what counts as Lingerie, and what doesn’t? Can kids wear them? Do men wear them too? Yes, and yes, to the last two questions. Also, when men wear it, it is still called Lingerie.

Lingerie is a French word and a lot about the French spells sexy. I think we could safely settle on defining it as “sexy underwear and or nightwear.” There definitely is something more sensual about labeling underwear -lingerie. If you peruse through a retail store, you will find the bra’s and pants in their separate section and all the sexy stuff most often grouped under the lingerie section.

It is a type of underwear, but not every Lingerie is underwear, the nightgown, for example, isn’t underwear; the bodysuits, the rompers, the robe, the chemise; these counts too, but aren’t underwear. So, what counts as Lingerie, and what doesn’t? Who’s to say. Some brands are already making Lingerie for kids; this move creates a whole new section for this world as there now is the adult lingerie.

With the basic idea in mind of what falls under the lingerie bracket, it’s easy to know that adding the word adult to Lingerie is simply an industry stating its business without the confusion on what counts as just underwear and what doesn’t.

Does this spell sexy, roleplay, enticing? YES. And more. The adult lingerie is designed as a suit for combat. A suit to entice so much it might spook the person being enticed.

What counts as sexy, and what doesn’t? If you are looking for a just a lingerie, almost anything with the right and readily available backing to the claims can pass the mark. But if you are on the hunt for something for sexy, you should be searching specifically for adult lingerie.