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Why you need an e-commerce SEO expert?


Customers now judge your website by how professional it is, other than just the ‘look good’ factor. E-commerce experts know the tools to get your website higher in the SERPs rank. They work closely with the website designers so that your website is SEO friendly. The e commerce experts will do the following:

Drive customers to your website using special promotions

The e-commerce experts know what advertising or promotional tools to include in your website, and when. They monitor the traffic and observe the customer’s reaction to the promotions. If needed they change the promotion to attract more customer. They analyze different data to come at a conclusion regarding their promotional campaigns.

Do SEO optimization

SEO optimization is a must for any website. E-commerce experts sit with the web designers to come up with designs and contents that are SEO friendly. They include useful keywords in their content, give good links. They make sure that the customers stay on their page. If the bounce rate is high, the e-commerce expert tries to find out why and takes respective measures. Product optimization is also done by the e-commerce expert.

Conduct social media campaigns

Social media campaigns are a vital part of the SEO marketing. People are on social websites most of the time. So, you will find them there. People are becoming more mobile; they shop when they walk. So, e-commerce experts use social campaigns to promote their products on social websites like Facebook and Twitter. Social posts can also be directly included in the company’s website.

The works that an e-commerce expert does cannot be done by a non professional or someone without any knowledge of SEO. It is also not possible for you to monitor your store’s activities all the time. So, it’s better to hire an e-commerce expert for your website.

Here are some interesting statistics about the ecommerce market in the United States. Data speaks for itself… Don’t let your competitors win, get in touch with us and we’ll help you out!

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